Many different things can affect fertility success rates

Age, weight, general health and past medical conditions can all impact fertility. However many couples will experience unexplained infertility, which though difficult to comprehend, can have good outcomes with fertility treatments.

The sooner you understand your own chances, the sooner you can achieve a healthy baby.

Being informed 

Seeking fertility information is one of the best things you can do – and if you need more clarity or are feeling worried for any reason, having an appointment with one of our fertility doctors is the best option.

We recommend the following areas as a good place to start when trying to understand your own fertility.


How age affects fertility is the most important factor when having a baby. Young women without fertility problems have about a 25% chance per month of having a baby naturally if they try at the right time of the month.

This falls to about 12% at age 37 and 5% at 42. Today, we are seeing more women over 40 wanting to have their first child. It is possible, but you are also more likely to need help. To work out your chances visit our biological clock.

  • Fertility timeframe: Today we have the Anti-Mullerian Hormone (AMH) fertility test to estimate Ovarian Reserve. This fertility test can help predict how many eggs you are likely to obtain during an IVF cycle and can help identify who may experience early menopause. Like most tests AMH is not perfect, so you’ll need the help of a fertility specialist to interpret the results. More here
  • Fertility Boosting: There are a number of important changes you can make to boost your fertility. Eating well to maintain a healthy BMI, stopping smoking, and minimising alcohol are just some of these.  Below you will find a link to our boosting fertility page with lots of useful tips. For women and men – as fertility issues can stem from either partner.  50% of fertility factors are male and 50% female. Boosting fertility

Timing is everything in fertility 

Waiting and continuing to try naturally for a bit longer may be an option for some people where the woman is younger, infertility is unexplained or only mild factors are found, and also when the length of infertility is quite short.

Importantly trying naturally means continuing to have regular intercourse around 12-15 days prior to the next period, which is when ovulation occurs giving you the best opportunity. 

Commonly conception occurs when intercourse happens the day before ovulation followed by the day of ovulation. There are various methods to detect ovulation timing such as detecting cervical mucus changes, Apps to track your cycle, LH kits etc.

Our advice is to continue to have regular intercourse. However if this hasn’t worked after the time frame stated in the biological clock - for your age group, please see a fertility specialist to understand what is going on. 

Get to know your cycle so you can get the timing right. If you have a 28 day cycle, the best days to conceive are days 11, 12 and 13 or you could just time sex when you notice slippery clear mucus.

More on Infertility Explained 

Other health conditions 

If you have other conditions such as polycystic ovaries or endometriosis it is also recommended you seek advice early to understand their potential impact on your chances.

Need advice or looking for a 2nd opinion?

You do have options, and the best place to start would be to meet our fertility specialist or book a free Mini Consultation here